Ep. 24: Talkin' Turkeys with Scott C. Ellis
Ep. 24: Talkin' Turkeys with Scott C. Ellis
Grand National Turkey Calling Champ
We love talkin' Turkey! Especially when we can talk turkey calling and tactics with Scott C. Ellis, a 3X Grand National Turkey calling Champ. Scott also has his own show, Hunt Quest, and was an integral part in developing a turkey calling app, "Turkey Tech with Scott Ellis".
In this episode, you'll find that turkey hunting is more than just great woodsmanship, it is about combining that knowledge with proficient calling. When it all comes together, you will be able to be successful wherever you go. Scott also touches on factors like daylight and weather that trigger testosterone in Toms. This knowledge can help hunters understand when they will likely start to breed.
Have you ever wondered what you should do when turkey's just aren't answering to calls? Or what a good calling method would be for folks unable to use mouth calls?
Listen to the episode to find out!
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Visit the app store or Google play to download the Turkey Tech App with Scott Ellis